Where Do I Belong?

Yesterday, while working our Chained No More exhibit table, we met a middle school girl who was tiny and very shy.  She could barely look me in the eye.  It is always is a welcome challenge for me to connect with a hurting child, so our conversation started.

Me:  Hi, Honey.  What is your name?

Her:  Sara (made up name)

Me:  What grade are you in?

Her:  6th

Me:  Wow!  What school do you go to?  How do you like middle school?

Her:  It’s okay.

Our conversation went on for about 10 minutes, as I tried to draw her out.  I found out that she had had an unstable mom, so she had been in foster homes since she was two years old.  Two years old!!!  Her sad little face told the story of not knowing where she belonged or who she belonged to.  She wanted to go back and live with her mommy, but she was not allowed because of her mother’s unstable lifestyle.  My heart broke for her.  She came over and we hugged as her tears began to fall on my shoulder.  I could have held her for hours and it wouldn’t have been enough to soothe her little soul.

Many of us also don’t really know where we belong.  We didn’t fit in our marriages, we don’t feel “good enough” to get involved in church, extended family is spread out or broken apart.  “Where do I belong?”  Just like little Sara, the world is a big place and full of lots of uncertainty, isn’t it?

Find your Bible and read Psalm 139:1-18  THIS is where you belong!  THIS is how much God wants to wrap Himself around you, hug you, absorb your tears and lift you up.  You may not know your earthly parents or ever see them, but your Heavenly Father knows your identity in Him.  He made you.  He sees you.  He loves you unconditionally.  You belong to Him and with Him.  Breathe and believe.


#godslove    #hope   #chainednomore

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