The Price of Love

Were you raised in a family where a lot was demanded of you and where you sometimes felt like you could never live up to what your parents wanted from you? You were never enough?  Did you feel like they would love you more if you were “perfect” and just obeyed them?  Many of us had that painful upbringing and many of us did not.

If you felt that way as a kid, chances are pretty good that you have brought that forward into your adult life.  You may feel like you never measure up, or have turned into a perfectionist, have just given up trying, or are afraid to completely trust people.

Children have told me through tears that their mom or dad have said to them in anger, “If you loved me, you would clean  your room”.  If you loved me, you wouldn’t argue with me.”  If you loved me, you would come live with me instead of your mom/dad.”

You then form the idea that love is performance-based and value yourself on success and failures instead of who God made you to be.  What damage and what a distortion of His value of you.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.  (Gal. 5:1)

“If you just sat there and breathed, He would love you just the same.”  CNM

The price of unconditional love?  THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST!  You don’t have to “pay” for it;  He did.  Believe it and accept it today;  right here and right now!