Spring is close and in Oregon, that means rain; a LOT of rain. We can go for two weeks with rain every single day, but we know that with every drop, it is making our state green and summer and fall will be gorgeous. Lakes will be full and the sun will eventually poke its head out from behind all of those clouds for many days.
Umbrellas of all colors and designs begin to make their way out of our closets. I have several colors of umbrellas and keep them in my car to pull out just in case we have a shower or a downpour. I have a Dallas Cowboys one (yes, I do!), a beautiful sparkly purple one (from a friend) and then there are the basic little black and brown ones. I am just quirky enough to try to match my umbrellas with my outfit…because I can.
I thought today about when we go through various struggles in life, they can be like anything from spring sprinkles to complete downpours and we need the covering of the Lord God to run to for comfort and protection. It really doesn’t matter what color an umbrella is; the purpose is just the same.
What good would an umbrella be if we kept it in the closet and went out in the rain without protection. We would get soaked, right? We need to get the umbrella, open it and use it. The same goes for God and His Word. We need to pick His Word up, open it and put it to use. Amen?! If you think about it, if we took the umbrella out of the closet but didn’t open it and use it, we may look good carrying it, but it would not help us at all. The same goes for carrying, but not opening the Bible. What’s the point???
So many of us try to do life on our own, and when we get “soaked” with crisis, we don’t run to our Comforter or Protector. We can get buried and drown in the emotional upheaval of it all.
“He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones.” Prov. 2:7,8
So, what are your storms today? Are they big and daunting or are there just a lot of sprinkles of troubles? Pick up God’s umbrella, the Bible and begin to cover yourself with its truths and let them protect you, fill you, and strengthen you. Look up words in your concordance in the back of the Book like, “protection”, “cover”, “strength”, “Comforter”, etc. You can indeed be protected, covered, comforted, and given strength, if you pick it up, open it, and use it.
Spring has sprung! Get out there!
To help you to move forward with His Umbrella, go to amazon.com or www.robynbministries.com/store and purchase “Visions of Him…Seeing God in Everyday Things.” What a great tool to focus on God and not our storms. YOU’LL LOVE IT!!!