Do you ever feel like you are on the outside looking in or that you don’t seem to fit in with those around you? Maybe your co-workers seem to always have inside jokes that you aren’t a part of. Or maybe you are not included in dinner or BBQ invitations. We all know about the cliques at church too, right? It hurts, doesn’t it?
When I led Family Connections, the single parent family ministry I directed for 12 years here in Oregon, I heard countless times, how single parents and their kids felt judged and left out in churches. The families they used to socialize with, now virtually ignored them and did not invite them to outings and activities, like they used to. They didn’t know where they belonged anymore.
Now, let’s look at foster kids, who are ripped out of their homes and placed in the home of strangers time and time again. They leave with maybe a bag of clothes and belongings, and are expected to be okay with this new arrangement. Yes, there were devastating reasons why they had to be removed from their home, but this is scarier for them.
They have to go to new schools, try to make new friends, get used to other adults and kids in a house , and it seems like everyone is making choices for them without their input. They truly are feeling like they are on the outside looking in and don’t know where they belong.
The last stats show that there are over 400,500 kids in foster homes in America. Can you even grasp that number?! Every single kid in that stat represents devastation, shattering of a heart, fear, insecurity, anger, etc. And we wonder why there is so much violence, drugs and alcohol in our society today?! Seriously?!
With any luck and blessings, some of these kids will be chosen to be adopted into a “forever family”. Couples who have a love for kids and want to give that love to a child who needs it, will “pick and choose” him/her. Even though the child may be sad about not living with their “bio family”, they are usually thrilled to be adopted. This will be their “new normal” and NOW, maybe they will feel like they “fit in”.
Our guest on the Chained No More radio show on Tuesday, August 4, will be the founder of Arrow Child and Family Ministries, Mark Tennant. He was placed in foster homes, as a boy, and finally was placed in a Christian home where he was love and he thrived. He believes God called him to the Arrow ministry to help other hurting kids and families and he has dedicated his life to what has become a global ministry. You can hear him share his story and we will discuss foster and adoptive care in America today and how Arrow is meeting the many needs in families.
Tune in LIVE at or download the podcast later that afternoon at
By the way, if you, as an adult, still feel like you are on the outside looking in, please know that if you are a child of God, YOU BELONG IN HIS FAMILY. You are not less than nor inferior, no matter what anyone or anything has ever told you. Pick and choose positive and encouraging people to surround yourself with. Pick and choose to believe what God says about you in His Word. (Please read John 15 and highlight the words that speak to your heart today.)
#chainednomore #hope #adoption #fosterfamilies #kidmin #familymin #godslove