Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

First of all, I want to begin this blog by saying that I am going to date myself as I write it.  Looking back into the “dark ages”, I remember when life was kinder, gentler, and a whole lot more fun and innocent.  At least, that was my childhood experience.

Being a kid meant we were taught respect for those authorities in our life such as parents, teachers, police officers, pastors and our government officials.  We were taught to stand up each morning and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before class began.  We played outside with kids of all races until the street lights came on or our mom called us in.  We were taught to help around the house, use “inside voices”, be kind to our siblings (most of the time), have face to face conversations instead of behind screens or by email, text, private messages of Facebook.  We learned to look someone in the eye when we shook hands and to speak with respect.  On Sundays, we would dress our best on the “Lord’s Day”, and go to the “Lord’s House”.

I loved going to Sunday School because I loved our teachers, loved to sing the cheery Sunday School songs, see my friends, memorize the verses, do the crafts, and have cookies and Koolaid. I loved to listen to Bible stories (no videos or DVDs), and about how much Jesus loves us.  Oh, and I REALLY loved the Bible Drills because I won a lot of them.  (insert grin)

When I got into middle school, I began to get bored with Sunday School, but really enjoyed our youth group activities.  Since my dad was the pastor, we were required to go to church whenever the doors were open.  This is when I got involved in the adult choir and became very involved in our youth group leadership team.

I remember being distracted by “that cute boy”, the fly on the wall, the birds outside, or any number of other things while the teachers were teaching.  What I didn’t realize until later, in my adult life, was that even though I wasn’t focused on what the teachers and my dad was saying from the pulpit, was that the Holy Spirit was permeating me with what they were saying.  I heard truths and concepts and stories from God’s Word that I still remember and use in ministry today.

I am glad today that I was required to go to church because the Lord has used all I have learned to what I do today.  Parents, I want to encourage you to please not give your kids a choice to go to church each week or not.  Yes, they would rather stay home and play videogames, sleep in, watch t.v. or go to a movie, but there is no eternal value in those activities.  We are called to raise our children in the Lord and their spiritual life could depend on how consistent we are.  Get them to Sunday School and youth activities!


“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.”  Prov. 22:6

You may not have been raised in a Christian home or even in a healthy home, but this is your chance, Parents, to give your own kids a great chance to be healthier adults who love and live for the Lord.  It’s up to you!