It is a somber day, once again, as we see the images of the 9-11 attacks on tv screens and newspapers. It has been fourteen years, yet it seems like yesterday. The twin towers, that gigantic jet flying into the Twin Towers, bodies falling, gray dust covering the people in the streets, first responders dropping to their knees in exhaustion and the anguish and disbelief on every face. Our country has never been the same.
When I reflect back on that day, I had just gotten up, got some breakfast, sat down and turned the tv on. On the screen was a jet flying directly into a building. I sat there incensed that there would be such a violent “movie” on tv so early in the morning. Just then, my husband, Ivan called me and asked me if I had turned on the tv yet. I complained to him that there was just too much violence on tv nowadays. He paused and then said, “Honey, it isn’t a movie.” As I sat there staring at the screen in disbelief and horror, my very first thought was, “God is even bigger than THIS!” A horrible day in history indeed.
There are many days in history where we can remember where we were at that moment. For me, since I have lived a long time, I remember where I was when:
- JFK was shot…In schoolroom in Anchorage, Alaska. We were shuffled to rooms with tvs to watch the newscasts and then sent home early.
- Robert Kennedy was shot… At a friends house after school.
- The first man stepped onto the moon…At a parking lot church service in Bremerton, WA
- President Reagan was shot outside of the hotel… Carpooling our kindergarten-aged son to school across town.
- The explosion and demise of the Columbia…On my way to lead a LIFE Aerobics class.
There are so many other important moments that make up our country’s history. Elections, riots, wars, 4th of July celebrations, cures for diseases; some we marvel at and some we hardly notice. This is our country and whether we believe in what is happening with our government or not, it is still the best country in the world in many areas. It was founded on Christian principles, but not anymore. Some pledge allegiance to the flag and some destroy it. Some thank God for it and some curse it, while still living in it. It is still America and I am proud to be an American and honor those who fight for and give their life for it.
There are many lessons we can learn from history. For me, I have learned that even in the tragedies, God is sovereign. He didn’t cause those tragedies; sin did. He is there to bring comfort to souls and use humans to extend His comfort to the hurting. I have learned that we are stronger than we think. I stand on the Lord’s strength and power. I have also learned that when we work together to accomplish things, we are stronger as a nation (Politicians, are you listening?!). The biggest history lesson I have learned is that God sees us, knows us, loves us and is just a prayer away. He doesn’t discriminate because of race, color, gender, church affiliation, etc. “Oh, To Be Like Him”, as the old hymn goes.
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He ALONE is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will NEVER be shaken.” Psalm 62:1,2
Let’s make that our history lesson today on September 11, 2015!
Please go to our Robyn B Ministries store and purchase “Visions of Him…See God in Everyday Things” at A daily devotional book to keep you looking upward in the best and worst of times in your personal history. A great Christmas gift for those you care about too!
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