Have you ever felt defeated and didn’t know where to go or who to turn to? Maybe you turned to God, but thought it would be so great if you could reach out to a human being for help, a different perspective, and advice.
Over the past almost 20 years, I have led several ministries for those who are in hurting families. It began with being camp mom and listening to the agony of campers and young counselors whose families were in turmoil. I led Family Connections, our single parent family ministry, Divorce Care For Kids (www.dc4k.org) and The Big D…Divorce Thru the Eyes of a Teen” (info@thebigDinfo.com) It is incredible to see the healing in all who we have ministered to over the years.
Within each ministry, I invited people to be on the leadership teams and we served together with great purpose and passion. I have not lived through divorce or suffered much of what our participants have, but our leaders have. They have been my biggest resource, next to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
I can listen, open my heart and my arms to those who are struggling, but it is the leaders who are “using their pain for good” who reach deeper into the hearts of our participants. They have lived it, they know it, they have experienced healing from God, and now they want to reach out and help others rise from the painful pits they are in. It is beautiful to watch!
In Family Connections, our leaders could relate to the life as a single parent and all the challenges of exes, court issues, kids acting out, new relationships, etc. In DC4K, almost all of our leaders had lived through divorce either as a kid, as an adult, or both. They got it as they were looking into the tearful eyes of hurting children. In The Big D for teens, leaders who had been through great anguish and anger, maybe turned to drugs/alcohol, or being promiscuous because they were looking for “love”, were now able to reach out to bitter teens who were headed toward their own adult decisions. It is a beautiful thing to watch and the kids feel drawn to our leaders because “they get them.” Wow!
Now, for the past few years, we have a strong leadership team for “Chained No More…A Journey of Healing for Adult Children of Divorce/Childhood Brokenness” classes. Each leader has also lived through their own divorce as kids, adults, or both. Some have lived through great abuse, and when a participants hears that, things change and they don’t have to be so guarded. Someone understands.
These leaders serve with excellence, are well-trained, and well-prepared to patiently walk each participant through from crisis to hope. They have compassionate hearts, are strong believers, and have a passion to see participants grab hold of new truths and perspectives; GOD’S truths and perspectives. They extend the loving arms of Jesus in beautiful ways.
“Thank you, leaders of Family Connections, DC4K, The Big D, and Chained No More for walking in unison and doing what God has called us all to do. I love you and value you more than I could ever express.
“How good it is when brothers (and sisters) live together in unity.” Psalm 133:1
If you have been through a lot and the Lord has healed you and raised you up, consider how you can reach out to those who are still suffering and let the Lord use you. don’t waste what the Lord has brought you through. The eternal value is limitless!
If you would like to explore the idea of training to become a Chained No More leader, please contact Robyn at robyn@robynbministries.com. Your calling and purpose might just be staring you in the face.