Our children are here to celebrate Christmas early this year because they will be travelling out of state for the actual holiday. One good thing is that it propelled us to shop earlier, bake earlier and prepare the house for our family celebration early. Another benefit is that it has kept us out of the hubbub of the crowds this weekend. Niiiiiice!
This past week has been somewhat painful for me because not only have we heard about my husband’s 97 year old mother taking a turn for the worse, a young family who lost their 4 month old baby to SIDS, but I have also been ministering to a woman who has had no hope and is thinking about ending her life.
This is where we begin the purpose of this blog…”It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” and “I’ll be home for Christmas” are only two sets of lyrics that remind us that Christmas time is supposed to be wonderful, warm and full of good cheer. For many, it is not. There are many in our country who have nowhere to live, no family to connect with and thousands of kids of divorce saying goodbye to one parent while saying hello to another. Many hurting people can’t wait for the decorations to come down in the stores and streets so they won’t keep being reminded of what they don’t have.
Those of us who are fortunate enough to have a warm, loving family, a home decorated with all the trimmings and wonderful, long-held traditions, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. The ministry that God has called me to has made me acutely aware of how grateful I am, but it has also helped me see outside our home and propelled me to include others in the celebration of Jesus’ birth in personal ways.
An invite to coffee or lunch, an open house for those with no family around, sitting with someone new at church or at a concert, giving a small, thoughtful gift, are just some ways to bring the Christmas spirit to those who the Lord lays on our heart.
“Each man (woman) should give what he (she) has decided in his (her) heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7
Look around this holiday season and look for the person standing or sitting alone. What could you say or do to bring some light into their life? Maybe you could bring a Christmas high out of their Christmas low. “Tis the Season…”
Need a gift idea for someone you know who is going through some tough times? Go to https://robynbministries.com/music and purchase Robyn’s CD, “Through the Rain…Crisis To Hope”
To find more resources from Robyn B Ministries, go to https://robynbministries.com