Behind the Perception

The past few years of my life have been a big surprise, to say the least.  God has called me to a ministry that I would have never chosen, nor known much about.  I have not had divorced parents, been divorced or lived in drama and trauma.  I have, however, walked alongside many adults and kids who have.

From the outside, others think, and have said that I must have “the perfect life”.  They would see our home, nice but modest.  They would see a wonderful marriage and there is no denying that.  They would see our grown kids healthy, happy and content, for the most part, today.  They would see lots of energy and purpose for each day as I walk in the passions and giftings God has given me.

What they don’t see are the human insecurities, health challenges, times of financial issues, struggles our kids have had, issues within our extended family and so forth.  Even through these challenges of life, God is my Solid Rock,  my Refuge, my Strength, the Giver of joy and confidence and there is the stability of the Holy Spirit that infuses me every single day.  I walk in strength, joy, and confidence, ONLY because of Who is in me, believe me.

Of course, none of us is perfect, but the Perfect One can give us what we need in times of trouble and stabilize us with every step on this slippery slope we call “life”.  We can look at people around us and compare ourselves to them; what they look like, what they have, the successes they have, how talented they are, etc.  It is not necessary, nor is it healthy to compare ourselves to others because we are all on a path to God and will have to take different steps.  We are all human and have challenges.  First and foremost, we answer to God and not that little green monster named envy.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.”  Galatians 5:25,26

Next time you begin to compare yourself to someone else……STOP IT!  You don’t know what is behind that person or the struggles they have. They are human just like you, right?